Sunday, April 26, 2009

Creative Writing in Baker Canyon, Irvine Ranch

Today, Thea Gavin's Creative Writing Group was able to go to Baker Canyon on Irvine Ranch lands and take in sweet afternoon inspiration. As a part of the group, I relished in the opportunity to get out there in the wild far from the cars and civilization, in an area I had never trekked before. I also was able to test out my new point and shoot camera that I will be using on my hiking trips (my other one is just too bulky for the job).

A few photos of our experience can be found here.

However, I took a lot of photos of the plants out there that I haven't included in the Baker Canyon Photo Album, because they are now sorted in their respective folder according to what they are! Yerba santa, golden yarrow, black sage, California Plantain, Chamise, etc.

Thea Gavin is looking for creative writers to participate in her project of creating an anthology of works, be it poetry or prose, on the natural lands of Orange County. Visit her website at : for more information on her own work, and for more information on her project.

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