Monday, September 29, 2008

First Rain & More Plants Photographed

Well, looks like we got our first real rain in a long time here in Southern Orange County!

Yesterday, Sept 28th, I went to Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park and took some more photographs of the plants along the trail... I also got some nice insect and snake shots!

After taking about 80 high-resolution shots from that little walk, my photo albums on Picasa have increased in size (and there are a lot of plants that I still need to identify... bear with me, it's a lot of work!) You can see the increase in volume here: Nature In Orange County's Photos.

On September 27th, the Laguna Canyon Foundation had their Volunteer Orientation from 9-1:30 at the Nix Nature Center. What a wonderful group of volunteers, rangers and staff! Everyone had a great time learning about the various volunteer possibilities - from trail maintenance and native plant restoration, to participating in the various hikes, tours, and events, there was something for everyone to get excited about! For more information on the next orientation, visit:

Finally, a little note: We at Nature In Orange County realize that both our blog and website have only been covering the events, plants and trails of Southern Orange County. We apologize for not including Northern Orange County in our posts and articles... Yet we thank you for your patience... as the blog and website grow over time, we are sure that more attention will be paid to the natural world of Northern OC.

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